Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson has commended the initiative from the loyal orders in Londonderry to adopt a set of new voluntary parading guidelines in the city, “the Maiden City Accord.”
Mr Nicholson said;
"This common sense and neighbourly approach has long been adopted by Orange lodges, Black preceptories and Apprentice Boys branches in most parts of Northern Ireland and in Londonderry the loyal orders are right to highlight what is expected and demanded of their members.
“The Londonderry guidelines set out in the Maiden City Accord extend to a voluntary requirement to ensure that places of worship, of all denominations, along a parade route are not disrupted in any way and that behaviour on parade adheres to the highest principles of the loyal, orders.
"Dignity and discipline have always been the watchwords for the loyal orders to adhere to and, as the Londonderry initiative quite rightly points out, members must be aware of what is expected of them on parade.
"The loyal order parading tradition is a very important and integral part of Ulster culture, accurately reflecting the ethos, history and aspirations of the Protestant and Unionist community.”