Following reports of trespassers on the railway line in the Monkstown area, Roy Beggs MLA has urged parents and the local community to ensure that young people are not endangered.
Roy Beggs MLA said,
“Lives are being put at risk by trespassing on railway tracks. It is disturbing to learn of recent near misses and of a train driver having to apply emergency brakes to avert an accident on the Belfast to Londonderry line. Given the speed of trains which weigh hundreds of tonnes it takes a considerable distance for them to be brought to a halt.
“The new train fleet together with welded track has resulted in much quieter trains benefiting commuters and neighbouring residents. However, the quieter trains also increases the risks of those who are trespassing as they may not be aware of a fast approaching train until it is upon them.
“I would urge parents to ensure that they know where their children are and that they are not endangering their lives by trespassing on railway lines. I would call on the local community to assist in protecting life by advising NIR and PSNI if they are aware of trespassing so that lives are not put at risk”.