Kennedy – £256,000 improvement schemes completed in Antrim



Antrim Councillors Drew Ritchie, Roderick Swann & Paul Michael with Transport Minister Danny Kennedy

Transport Minister Danny Kennedy has announced the completion of two separate road improvement schemes in Antrim

The improvements represent an investment of around £256,000.

Danny Kennedy said: “These two schemes represent a very significant investment in the roads infrastructure around Antrim.

“While the improvements will serve all road users, cyclists and pedestrians in particular will realise immediate benefits.”

The investment sees the completion of a three kilometre continuous combined footway and cycleway along the west side of Stiles Way.

This will connect a number of major housing developments to schools, retail developments and industrial estates in the town. It will also encourage walking and cycling within Antrim. The scheme was previously identified as an Active Travel Route by Antrim Borough Council and Transport NI as well as the Sub Regional Transport Plan 2015.

In addition, a new bus lane along parts of Dublin Road, has also come into service. This now provides a link directly into the new environmental improvement works which have recently been completed in the town centre.

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