Overend condemns attack on home of Polish family in Moneymore

Ulster Unionist Assembly Member for Mid-Ulster, Sandra Overend, has condemned the attack on the home of a Polish family in Moneymore, which has been described as a hate crime by the PSNI.

Mrs Overend said:

“I was shocked and disgusted to hear that a Polish family have been subjected to harassment and intimidation in their home in Moneymore. This sickening attack, which has been described by the PSNI as a hate crime, is completely wrong, and I condemn it entirely. There is no room for crime like this in a modern society.

“The incident, however, does appear to be isolated. Many families and individuals of differing nationalities have lived in and around Moneymore for some time without fear or intimidation, and I hope that attacks like this do not disrupt the normally welcoming atmosphere of the village.

“If anyone has any information about the attack, please contact the PSNI on 101.”

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