Kinahan welcomes ‘high value’ jobs at Deloitte

Ulster Unionist economy spokesman Danny Kinahan MLA has welcomed the jobs announcement at Deloitte in Belfast.

 Mr. Kinahan said:
“Deloitte is one of the world’s largest and most respected providers of professional services and their expansion plans for Belfast are to be warmly welcomed.

 “It is gratifying that the company continues to grow its presence in Northern Ireland with support from Stormont and Invest NI. This latest expansion which is set to create 338 jobs in Belfast- albeit over 5 year period- sends out a strong message that Belfast is a growing business hub and Northern Ireland PLC is open for business.

 “The reported financial support from government- £2.5M from Invest NI, and over £800,000 from the Department of Employment and Learning- is a hefty commitment.  However the announcement that the average salary attached to these jobs will be £33,000 is highly significant.  These are the sort of high value jobs which we need to attract more of.”

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