Elliott welcomes jail sentences for animal abusers

Ulster Unionist Justice Spokesperson, Tom Elliott MLA has welcomed the jail sentence imposed by Judge David McFarland when he sentenced Andrew Stewart and co- accused Jamie Downey to 10 month prison sentence and a six month sentence for their vile and evil cruelty to a pet collie owned by Natalie and Martin Agnew.

Tom said:

"I share the sentiments of the dog's owners that the Judge’s decision to imprison both individuals sends a strong message to animal abusers that cruelty towards any animals will not be tolerated and any future offenders can expect similar sentences.

"I have been disappointed over recent years that despite new laws, there havent been more prosecutions and jail sentences imposed on animal abusers. I trust that this case will set an important precedent and we can see similar jail sentences in the future.

"I pay tribute to Natalie and Martin Agnew on their long campaign which highlighted the need for justice for animals and prison sentences for abusers and through their efforts kept this issue in the public domain and in the process helped raise thousands of pounds for an animal charity."

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