Speech by Party Chairman, Lord Empey #UUP2014

Lord Empey of Shandon Kt OBE


Speech at the Ulster Unionist Party Conference







Once again it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Ramada today and to our 2014 conference. Last year we had an excellent conference, and so far this year’s is looking even better!


Since we last met we have faced the electorate in the European and Local Government elections. All parties are judged on the response they receive from the voters and this year I am happy to report that we received the best level of support from the people in many years. Jim Nicholson retained his European seat for the sixth consecutive term and we punched way above our weight in elections for the new Councils, being the only Party to see its share of the vote go up and seeing many of our younger members getting into Councils, some at the first attempt.


We had 16 of our Councillors come top of the poll in their areas stretching from the most westerly in Erne West to the most easterly in Carrickfergus.


Naturally, as a Belfast man I was delighted to see that we have begun our revival in the capital city and it gave me great pleasure to see our long serving Alderman Jim Rodgers, not only top the poll in his Ormiston area but Jim received the highest personal vote in all of the Greater Belfast area by any candidate!


This is in no small measure due to the tireless and effective leadership we are receiving from Mike Nesbitt and the work of all our colleagues at Stormont, from Jim Nicholson in Brussels and Councillors and Members from all over Northern Ireland.


Doing What’s Right for Northern Ireland


On the stage beside me you see the strapline ‘Doing what’s right for Northern Ireland.’ While success at one set of elections is to be welcomed, it does mean that we have yet convinced the people that our policies are the long term answer to their problems – but what is undeniable is that more people are realising that this party really does believe in ‘doing what’s right for northern Ireland.’ We took decisions many years ago that led to the re-establishment of Stormont, though very painful and costly to this Party, that are now recognised as having created the opportunities for local politicians to move us from conflict to a new order, with economic development at the core of Stormont’s programme for government.


I am angry today, that as we meet in this hall, the DUP/SF duo at Stormont is systematically squandering all the opportunities that we helped create. The Assembly is now despised by the people for its continual failures to resolve problems, and the final straw has been widespread financial mismanagement of our budget culminating in the humiliating hand over of effective financial control to the Treasury in exchange for a pay day loan which has to be repaid in April next year.


Don’t be fooled into believing that the financial shortfall is down to problems over welfare reform alone – the reductions imposed by Treasury over welfare account for less than half the shortfall


The reason that this is happening now is staring us in the face, and successive Governments have been warned about it but have chosen to bury their heads in the sand. Neither the DUP nor Sinn Fein took part in the negotiations that resulted in the model of government designed in 1998. They decided to stay away and let others do the heavy lifting.


The Office of First and deputy First Minister was built on the concept of a partnership between two traditions; the Assembly was involved in appointing the Officer holders to that office, but however complicated and cumbersome that system was, it was the only way to get buy in from a divided community.


What transpired in 2006 was the tearing up by HMG of that concept of a partnership when the methodology for electing the First and deputy First Minister was changed without any consultation with the rest of us. This has altered the dynamics of devolution, from pursuing a shared future to a carved up future with all the disastrous consequences we see today. The Assembly has been bypassed and relies on week by week political fixes between those two parties to limp on to the next crisis.


What could have been


It wasn’t meant to be like this; our intention was that all the people would get a real dividend from devolution but that has not yet happened. Underachievement is still widespread in many former conflict zones despite nearly 16 years of devolution. Michael McGimpsey’s frequent warnings over the Health budget have been ignored; the National Crime Agency is not functioning fully in Northern Ireland and the ultimate failure of Stormont was the gerrymandering of Belfast for the recent local government elections.


The problem, Peter, is not that Stormont isn’t fit for purpose, but you and your Party are no longer fit for purpose!


This Party will not rest until the people get the promises made to them from 1998 delivered; that there will be an end to high levels of under achievement; failing schools will be turned round; (this is being successfully done in London and elsewhere in less than 3 years) that the Health service that we all hold dear will be resourced and run properly and that a new generation will be given the skills to strengthen our economy and create the wealth that will generate the taxes that can pay for our cherished public services.


That remains the goal of this Party; this can only be done from within the Union and our task delegates is to give our Leader and representatives the support they need to deliver and really ‘do what’s right for Northern Ireland.’


Today’s events


As always, we have a full display area for exhibitors – and they contribute substantially to the finances of our conference – please ensure that at the break you visit the stalls and learn of the great work undertaken by these organisations and charities.


You will also notice a stall manned by Bill Manwaring from West Belfast. Bill and his colleagues can manufacture all manner of interesting products which you personally or your Associations may find of interest. These include coffee mugs, key rings, coasters, mouse pads and much more. Bill will be using all profits to help run our West Belfast office on the Shankill Road. Give him all the support you can.


I would also appeal to you to drop in to the fringe meeting this lunchtime on women in public life. Being Chaired by Sandra Overend it will be addressed by Mairead McGuinness MEP, Vice President of the European Parliament. It is being held in the Madrona Suite in the Business Centre on the 2nd floor.


Have a great day!!

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