Nesbitt calls for common sense in school transport review

Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has called for the reintroduction of Concessionary Travel on school buses, which would offer parents the opportunity to avail of vacant seats for children who do not qualify for free school transport.

 Mr Nesbitt said:

  “I understand the issue of school transport has become very emotional after the tragic death of young Adam Gilmour. My call is not simply a reaction to what happened in Cloughmills last week. I have been working with several families in my constituency for some months now to try to make the South Eastern Education and Library Board see sense about the need to show flexibility when it comes to school buses.

 “The starkest example I can produce is of a family of three children, two of whom are collected at the front gate of the family home in the school bus every morning, only for the mother or father to follow the bus in the family car, with the youngest child in the passenger seat. It’s properly crazy!

 “The issue is that the SEELB have re-measured the distance from house to school and decided they made a mistake in their original decision to let the older children on the bus. Instead of using a bit of common sense, they have decided to punish the family and the youngest child.

 “The fact is the bus if half empty every day and every Education & Library Board has the legal power to fill those spare seats by charging a small fee to families of children who are not eligible for free school transport.

 “The relevant Department of Education regulation makes clear that it is up to the Education & Library Board to do as it sees fit. Given the need to cut the costs of government, why deny parents the chance to contribute to the cost of free school transport, and make the whole process safer?

 "I am writing to Education Minister John O’Dowd MLA to ask him to ensure the new, single Education Authority offers Concessionary Travel where practicable.”

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