Proposals for an Irish Language Act are an act of bad faith by Sinn Fein - Nesbitt

Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has stated that Sinn Fein`s proposals for an Irish Language Act following the Stormont House talks are an act of bad faith which could endanger the spirit of any agreement made.

Mr Nesbitt said:

“This is an act of bad faith by Carál Ní Chuilín and Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein came to the Stormont House talks with an Irish Language Act on their shopping list. They didn`t get it because there is no appetite for it. Now we see Sinn Fein going to attempt to force one through.

“Is this the way it`s going to be? – instead of enacting an agreement, here we see Sinn Fein going and doing their own thing. This is endangering the spirit of any agreement and the efforts of three months of talks.

“As far as the Ulster Unionist Party is concerned we made our commitments in the Belfast Agreement. Mention of an Irish Language Act was first made on the DUP`s watch at St Andrew`s. The DUP need to clarify if this is an under the table side deal with Sinn Fein flowing from the Stormont House Agreement after this week`s side deal of Mitchel McLaughlin being elected Speaker of the Assembly.”

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