Threat against Elmgrove Primary School reprehensible – Rodgers

Ulster Unionist Councillor Jim Rodgers OBE has described the malicious threat made against Elmgrove School on the Beersbridge Road in Belfast as absolutely sickening.


The East Belfast Councillor, a long-standing member of the Belfast Education and Library Board, said;

“I have spoken to the principal of Elmgrove to reassure the school that the local community is standing with it at this difficult time. A threat like the one which has been made would be disturbing in any circumstances, however when a school and its pupils get caught up it just takes it to an entirely new level. 

“There was widespread shock and concern in the community following the announcement and we are all relying on the PSNI to catch whoever was responsible. I would urge people to show vigilance until the safety of the school, its pupils and its staff can be guaranteed.”

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