West Belfast Ulster Unionist spokesperson Gareth Martin has condemned a recent spate of attacks on the Suffolk estate and called for more Police resources to be deployed in the area to protect vulnerable families.
Mr Martin said:
“I have been contacted by residents in the Suffolk estate following an attack on a number of homes in the area, including that of an 86 year old pensioner with complex health problems.
“Although only relatively minor damage was caused to the properties on this occasion, there is a genuine fear that it is only a matter of time before more serious damage or, indeed, injury is caused.
“That fear is well founded because this particular attack involved a gang of between 15-20 youths who have actually been seen to pass through the estate on an increasingly regular basis and the unavoidable conclusion is that they are attempting to increase tensions in the area in the lead up to the Twelfth of July celebrations.
“These sectarian attacks on a vulnerable community must be stopped and I would appeal to those with influence in the community in Lenadoon and the Stewartstown Road area to do their utmost to prevent them. I would also call for calm and urge young people in the Suffolk estate not to be lured into the trap of retaliation. These attacks need to be dealt with robustly and effectively by the PSNI and I will be seeking to meet with senior officers and local residents to highlight the ongoing issues and seek a resolution that will ensure that the people of Suffolk are allowed to live their lives in peace free from the fear of attack.”