Orthapaedic patients facing alarming delays - Somerville

New Fermanagh and South Tyrone MLA, Neil Somerville, has called for urgent action to address what he describes as 'unacceptable delays' in gaining appointments and necessary surgery for patients suffering from severe orthopaedic medical conditions.

Neil said

"Over the past few weeks I have been made aware that one 75 year old lady who fractured her spine on the 20th January 2015, has been advised that the waiting list for a surgical appointment was 54 weeks despite her GP explaining the severity of her conditions.

"Another lady who is only 53 years old who suffers from chronic knee arthritis in both knees and is unable to have any quality of life, has now been advised that she could have to wait a further six months before treatment.

"More than 7,300 people in Northern Ireland are waiting longer than the Department of Health’s target of 15 weeks to see an orthopaedic specialist. It is evident that in all Trusts demand for orthopaedic services outstrips both aavailability. As people are living longer then the numbers of joint replacement operations are likely to increase and this will have a significant impact on increased demand for orthopaedic surgery in Northern Ireland in the coming years.

"Unfortunately due to financial constraints within the last year, Health and Social Care Trusts were not in a position to fund the gap and the numbers of consultants available are not sufficient to meet the growing demand. As a result I intend to raise this important issue with the Minister of Health, Social Services and public Safety as soon as possible."

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