Nesbitt questions timing of intervention from Baroness O’Loan on Stormont House Agreement



Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has questioned the timing of the intervention from former Police Ombudsman Baroness O’Loan regarding the non-implementation of the Stormont House Agreement. 

Mike Nesbitt said:  

“Her point is that with a ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’ formula, victims and survivors suffer because of factors beyond their control, in this case the political flip flop on welfare reform by Sinn Féin. 

“Her argument has some merit. At the start of the Haass talks two years ago, I argued that we should steer well clear of this formula, and bank agreements as we progressed. I made the same pitch at the start of the Stormont House process, sadly without success, and as a result, victims and survivors once again find themselves in limbo, listening to rumours of the possibility of real progress in service provision, but unaware of the real prospects for actual delivery, not least in the area of better mental health and wellbeing. 

“I understand budgetary considerations dictate that there has to be a degree of coordination across the range of initiatives that make up the Stormont House Agreement, but there are elements of the Agreement that represent stand alone, affordable improvements for victims and survivors. 

“That said, the Baroness’s intervention follows hot on the heels of what I consider a totally unauthorised and outrageous media briefing by an official of the Department of Justice, who told a local newspaper that Her Majesty’s Government is considering implementing singular aspects of the Agreement, such as the proposed Historical Investigation Unit. Is the timing coincidental? 

“This all has the whiff of softening up the public for a side deal being brought forward over and above the heads of the five Executive Parties. Our concerns over side deals was one of the reasons the Ulster Unionist Party felt unable to fully support the Stormont House Agreement last December, and as time passes, the wisdom of that decision appears to strengthen by the day.  

“We will listen carefully for similar calls as the Baroness’s, together with further unauthorised briefings from officials. 

“We continue to wish to see the faithful implementation of the Agreement, but it has to be fair, honest and properly reflective of the spirit of what was announced at Stormont House last Christmas.”

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