Ulster University cuts the predictable outcome of the Executive’s budget

Ulster Unionist MLA, and Chair of the Stormont Employment and Learning Committee, Robin Swann, has said news that the Ulster University is set to announce cuts to various courses, and the closure of the entire School of Modern Languages is the predictable but depressing consequence of Budget cuts imposed on the Higher Education sector.

Robin Swann MLA said:

“What we are now seeing is the inevitable outworking of the cut to the Department of Employment and Learnings budget which has been passed on the Higher and Further Education sectors.

“Whilst it is depressingly predictable that the Universities would have to make difficult decisions in terms of course provision, we should not forget where this is coming from.  It all stems from the cuts to the 2015/16 Departmental budget, which were agreed and imposed by the Executive parties of DUP and Sinn Fein, and the financial consequences of money being lost due to welfare reform fines.

“What makes the potential loss of the School of Modern Languages at the Ulster University, Coleraine more galling is the fact that the Education Minister seems to have no problem finding resources to prop up Irish Language schools, and even takes decisions to establish a brand new Irish Language Secondary School, against the advice of his officials who could not justify the expenditure or make a justifiable, sustainable business case.

"We should be investing in modern languages which will give our students the ability to perform on the world stage, in industry, in financial markets, in international business, in a country that is dependent on exports. I think it is very short sighted to remove the potential for our students to develop modern language skills."

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