Cochrane-Watson welcomes £4million extension in funding for structural maintenance

Ulster Unionist Regional Development spokesperson, Adrian Cochrane-Watson MLA has welcomed an announcement from Danny Kennedy MLA on his last day as Minister of a £4million extension of funding for structural maintenance until the end of October.

Adrian Cochrane-Watson said:

“It is welcome that one of Danny Kennedy’s last acts as Minister was to give a direction to provide a £4million extension of funding for structural maintenance until the end of October.  This will provide some relief to our construction industry which is under great pressure.

“It is totally unacceptable that we are now in September and June monitoring has still not been resolved, with little sight of light at the end of the tunnel.  This also demonstrates the serious need for a review of how the Department for Regional Development is funded from the outset, something which leaves it over-reliant on the monitoring rounds.  It was disgraceful that Danny Kennedy should have found himself criticised for things too often beyond his control.

“However, it was surprising to hear the apparent new-found open mindedness from Trevor Clarke and David McNarry about the potential for the Minister to overspend to help shore up the construction industry at last week’s recalled committee.

“Trevor Clarke’s Party colleague, Arlene Foster, admonished Danny for overspending last year and David McNarry was even quoted in a local paper as saying the criticism from the Finance Minister was “well said and overdue”.  Perhaps, even this late in the day, there is finally recognition for the difficult position Danny Kennedy found himself in.”



Notes to Editors:

You can watch last week’s recalled Regional Development Committee where the potential to overspend was discussed here:

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