Ulster Unionist Party ruling executive votes unanimously to enter talks

The Ulster Unionist Party's ruling executive has unanimously endorsed Party Leader, Mike Nesbitt's recommendation to enter talks on Monday. This follows the Secretary of State's statement at noon today.

Mr Nesbitt said:

"We made clear when we met the Secretary of State on Wednesday that we needed something to present to our Party Executive this afternoon and what we wanted was paramilitarism and organised crime at the top of the agenda and that's where it now is.

"We will enter the talks on Monday seeking clarification on whether there is the collective political will to grasp this one off opportunity to rid Northern Ireland, and indeed the whole island, of the scourge of organised crime. These people are terrorising communities, devastating parts of the economy and bringing the country into disrepute with potential inward investors.

"Unlike others, we took a firm stand early on and have been unwavering in our determination that it's time for everyone to stop turning a blind eye to these activities which are so poisonous to the peace and political processes."

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