Ulster Unionist MLA Adrian Cochrane-Watson has condemned a pollution incident and fish kill in the Three Mile Water River near Mossley Mill, in Newtownabbey
The South Antrim Assembly Member said:
“This is only the latest in a whole series of pollution incidents in the South Antrim Area. Unfortunately history regularly repeats itself as rivers locally rarely ever go 12 months without a major pollution incident.
“In fact, there was a fish kill only last month in a major tributary. There is clearly a serious issue with regards to waterway pollution in South Antrim. Aside from the major ecological problems pollution incidents cause, local fishermen are at the end of their tether as their efforts at building up sustainable fish stocks are repeatedly destroyed. Every single time a river begins to recover it is knocked back by another pollution incident.
“The only way the authorities will be able to get to grips with the problem in the area is if they come in and enforce significant punishments with successful convictions and penalties. Nobody or no organisation – whether public or private – should be allowed to get away with these regular acts of pollution any longer.”