Julia Kee has been selected as the Ulster Unionist Assembly candidate for Foyle

Julia Kee has been selected as the Ulster Unionist Party`s Assembly candidate for the constituency of Foyle. 

Ulster Unionist Party leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, said: 

“Every time I visit Londonderry, I am more and more deeply impressed by the impact Julia Kee is making as a community worker. She reflects the truth of that old saying that all politics is local and to make that real, you need to be grounded in the day to day lives of those you represent. 

“The unionist people of Londonderry rightly seek the very best representation possible, and I am confident Julia is one of the best. No one is arguing that what Stormont is delivering is as good as it gets. The people desire and deserve better and Julia Kee makes that offer.” 

Julia Kee said: 

“I am delighted to be selected to stand in Foyle. Unionism within the Ulster Unionist Party is progressive. I am encouraged that Mike Nesbitt is leading the party in a positive direction and politics in Northern Ireland needs a new direction.  

“The constituents of Foyle need a strong pro-union voice. A voice that will support everyone who wishes to be part of the Union because they know that it makes sense.  

“I look forward to getting out and about, canvassing in Foyle. As a local community worker I am aware of the daily challenges that people face and I will continue to support people through those challenges if I become a full-time representative in the Northern Ireland Assembly.”

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