Valuing enrolment in schools, not membership of illegal organisations should be the future for our children – Nesbitt

Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has welcomed the publication of the panel report on dealing with paramilitary groups, but has highlighted that the public now need to see the Executive`s action plan and timeline for implementation.

The Leader of the Opposition said:

“We welcome the fact that the Executive has responded so rapidly to our call to publish the panel report on dealing with paramilitarism. It would be churlish not to offer a fair wind to a report we forced on to the political agenda through our strong stance last August against murders on the streets of Belfast.

“We will study the report in detail and consult with victims and survivors, but there are proposals to welcome, not least the suggestion the NCA is more closely engaged in tackling paramilitaries. We also agree with the panel that 18 years on from the Belfast Agreement, it is time to talk not of paramilitaries but criminals. Society wants to see paramilitarism and organised crime removed from our streets. We need to ensure our children see enrolment in schools, not membership of illegal organisations, as their future.

“Our concern is that this is a list of competing proposals and there is a danger the paramilitaries could bank the proposals being offered to them, but not deliver what is demanded in return. On that basis, we will await with interest the Executive's response, and their action plan and timeline, as promised in the so-called Fresh Start Agreement. The end of June is only days away.”

Ulster Unionist Justice spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA said:

“I am disappointed there is no acknowledgement of the need to end the separate prison regime that allows paramilitary groups to maintain their structure, leadership, influence and ability to direct terrorism.

“There are other areas which need clarification, such as the suggestion that proscribed organisations could be re-designated. There are also areas to be welcomed, such as the acknowledgement that those who wish to transition need help.”

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