Ulster Unionist MLA Doug Beattie MC has responded to the publication of the full report on the inspection of Maghaberry Prison, which was carried out in January 2016, by saying that such reports cannot ignore the daily realities facing prison staff as they seek to carry out their jobs in what are often very difficult circumstances.
The Upper Bann MLA, who is also his Party’s Justice Spokesperson, said:
“There is much in this report which will be welcomed and I am content to support all reasonable measures which make HMP Maghaberry a more civilised and humane environment in which prisoners can serve out their sentences. It is, however, important that the authors of reports such as this one, take full account of the reality and context in which the daily operation of the prison takes place.
“There is no question that society as a whole will benefit from a humane prison system which offers offenders the opportunity to modify their behaviour and re-integrate themselves back into society.
“With regard to the report, people will rightly be concerned that levels of violence within the prison are deemed to be too high and that many prisoners do not feel safe. There will also be widespread support for measures to restrict access to drugs within the prison, to improve the mental health and well-being of prisoners and to help with re-settlement.
“Mention was made of the impact of the separated units on the operation of the prison. There is no question that the very existence of republican and loyalist wings within the prison needs to be reviewed and I have asked the Justice Minister directly if she would authorise such a review.
“I believe it is vital that we recognise the realities which exist on the ground in Maghaberry on a day to day basis and which face Prison Service staff. If we are serious about tackling absenteeism by prison staff, then we must address the issue of staff numbers, general morale and the stress which they have to endure, not least due to the very real threats to their own personal safety.”