Trident renewal essential for UK security - Kinahan

Danny Kinahan, Ulster Unionist MP for South Antrim, has reiterated that the renewal of the UK`s nuclear deterrent is essential and that it is not a luxury, but actually safeguards the nation.

South Antrim MP Danny Kinahan said:

“Members of Parliament have been asked once again to decide how best to defend our nation and the role we play in avoiding the total warfare we saw in the last century. My colleague Tom Elliott MP and I will vote this evening to renew the Trident nuclear weapons programme. This is a decision that the Ulster Unionist Party has never taken lightly and one that we have always been confident in making.

“Tom and I both served our country in the Armed Forces and know what it is like to be on the ground during conflict. I strongly believe that our nuclear deterrent has and will continue to prevent many conflicts that would place our service personnel in mortal danger. Those who oppose our nuclear capabilities often argue against their cost as if they were a luxury that we could do without. They are not a luxury, they safeguard our nation and ensure that we play our part as a leading global peacekeeper. As our former Prime Minister indicated in 2013, Trident costs us less than 1.5% per cent of our annual benefits bill.

“As we are all acutely aware, Northern Ireland has a proud and long standing tradition of service in the Armed Forces. If the Scottish Government does not want to keep the weapons at HM Naval Base, Clyde then I’m sure we will be more than happy to house the Trident programme and all of the thousands of jobs that go with it in our province.”

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