Communities must reject criminals and gangsters – Hussey

Ulster Unionist MLA Ross Hussey has called on communities to take a stand against criminals and gangsters who still pollute the lives of so many people in Northern Ireland.  

Mr Hussey, who is also his party’s spokesperson on the Policing Board, said:

“The past few days have brought a stark reminder that criminal gangs still blight the lives of communities and seek to impose their rule by fear.

“Last night in the Creggan area of Londonderry a young man was attacked and shot in the legs. This was the latest in a depressingly long line of similar type attacks in the city and the ease with which these groups are able to acquire weapons and their willingness to use them, is a matter of grave concern.     

“Yesterday a viable explosive device was left at North Queen Street in the New Lodge area of Belfast causing disruption for many local people and on Sunday night John Boreland was murdered in the Ballysillan area of the city.

“It is quite clear that many of the current criminal gangs operating in Northern Ireland have emerged from terrorist groupings as they have splintered. Questions have been asked as to the source of their weaponry, and whilst some may indeed be old stock which was supposed to have been decommissioned, the fact remains that it is relatively easy for criminals to source new weapons.   

“The time has long since passed for a concerted effort to root out these groupings that bring nothing but misery and fear to too many of our communities. People must take a stand and give wholehearted support to the PSNI as they work to break the malign grip these criminal gangs have.

“It is a matter of some regret that the Executive’s much vaunted and recently launched ‘Tackling Paramilitary Activity, Criminality and Organised Crime Executive Action Plan’ - which could and should have been the roadmap to a better future - has proved to be so lacking in detail and substance. If we are asking people to help combat the threat posed by these groups, the Executive must be prepared to take the lead.”

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