Overend praises A-level students on excellent results

Sandra Overend MLA, the Ulster Unionist Party’s Education spokesperson, has offered her congratulations and encouragement to students receiving their ‘A’ level results today.

Mrs. Overend said:

“After a long summer, the wait is over for our A-level students who this morning are receiving their results.  Looking at the trends since 2010, Northern Ireland results remain excellent. It is noticeable that the overall results are broadly similar to previous years, with 98.2% of exam entrants achieving pass grades between A* and E. As usual, the results of our students compare very favourably with the rest of the UK. Northern Ireland students are achieving a higher percentage of A to C grades- 83.4%- than their counterparts in England (77.5%) and Wales (73.8)

“In terms of the percentages of exam entrants gaining the elite A* and A grades, our students remain ahead of Welsh and English students.  29.5% of Northern Ireland entrants achieved those top grades, which is 0.3% up from last year, and 3.7% above the UK average, whereas the figures in England and Wales have actually dropped slightly.

“As is often said at this time, whatever the results, students should not panic but assess their future options carefully.  Take time to research what is best for you, whether looking for employment opportunities now, resitting some subjects or going on to third level education.  However, University is not the only route to success. I would encourage young people to use the helpline 028 9026 1260 set up by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) to get help and advice on the options available to them.

“These excellent results have been achieved in spite of the challenging budgetary situation facing schools at the moment, and everyone - students, teachers and of course parents – should be applauded for their efforts.”

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