Deafening silence from DUP Executive Ministers on York Street Interchange forms part of new 'SinnDup' policy - Kennedy

Former Ulster Unionist Minister for Regional Development, Danny Kennedy MLA, has challenged assertions made by Sammy Wilson MP on issues surrounding the delays incurred on the York Street Interchange scheme which has been delayed by the current Sinn Fein Minister in the Executive.

Mr Kennedy rejected claims by Sammy Wilson about extracting funds from Belfast Harbour Authority to help fund the scheme.

Danny Kennedy said:

"It is a matter of record that I attempted to extract monies from Belfast Harbour Authority to support infrastructure schemes such as York Street but it was legally impossible to do this, short of sacking the Harbour Commissioners and effectively privatising the Port of Belfast  - a fact Sammy Wilson well knows but seeks to conveniently forget.

“It is interesting that Sammy Wilson has been sent out to challenge the Sinn Fein Minister on this issue - there is a deafening silence on behalf of any DUP Executive Ministers or Assembly members - clearly this is part of the new ‘SinnDup’ policy.

“In terms of the York Street scheme, the Minister too is playing Party politics - preferring schemes such as the A5 and A6. He needs to re-prioritise his strategic schemes and work hard to obtain EU and Government funding for the York Street scheme before any Treasury deadlines.”

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