Beattie condemns West Belfast murder

Ulster Unionist MLA and Justice spokesperson, Doug Beattie MLA, has expressed outrage at the senseless murder of Joe Reilly in West Belfast and the recent spate of punishment shootings.

Doug Beattie said:

“It is quite clear that there are some in our society who are not willing to accept that the people of Northern Ireland want to live in a normalised society and they do not want to see guns on our streets.  Whether you package them as paramilitaries, drug dealers or organised crime gangs, the truth is they are nothing more than criminals and must be treated as such. The senseless murder of Joe Reilly will not move our society forward one step and the recent punishment shootings do nothing but drive young and old out of our country.

“I have been working with the Justice Committee to scrutinise the Executive’s action plan to tackle Paramilitary Activity, Criminality and Organised Crime. It is essential that this plan amounts to more than a wish list full of wholesome plans with no real detail as to how to achieve its goals. We need concrete actions to help the many communities who need the help of the State to get these criminals removed from their midst.

“One of the outcomes of this action plan must be the removal of the cloak of 'paramilitary grouping', which is being used by some organisations who are clearly dealing in drugs, criminality and organised crime. That is why I have brought a motion to the Assembly for Monday that sets the conditions for ending the separated regime at HMP Maghaberry. This separated regime has given paramilitaries a centre of gravity, an identity and the ability to direct terrorism and paramilitary activity.  Ending the regime will take away what credibility they think they have and let people see them for what they are - criminals.

“In the meantime as a family prepare to bury a loved one, it is vital that the Executive’s Action Plan for tackling Paramilitary Activity, Criminality and Organised Crime is transformed into something that actually delivers. We must move our society forward and I will be vocal in my condemnation of all those who are holding us hostage to the past.”

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