Executive must ensure delivery of York Street Interchange redevelopment – Ulster Unionists

The Ulster Unionist Party has described the York Street Interchange project as vital to the economic wellbeing of Northern Ireland and urged the Executive to ensure that funding is secured for the scheme.  

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Infrastructure spokesperson, Jenny Palmer MLA, said:

“The Ulster Unionist Party has consistently argued that the York Street Interchange should be the top priority for infrastructure spend, given that it is the single biggest blockage in Northern Ireland’s transport system. It is used by 100,000 vehicles every single day and is the source of major congestion.

“Less than a month ago the Minister said that the project was ‘on hold’ and cited concerns about funding in the wake of the Brexit vote, but in his statement today the Minister recognised that the scheme would ‘deliver significant social and economic benefits, both in terms of alleviating traffic congestion and also in terms of improving access to key port and gateways.

“I therefore welcome the fact that the Minister has accepted the outcomes of the Public Inquiry for the £130million York Street Interchange Scheme, although I also note he still strikes a cautionary note in terms of funding for the scheme.

The Party’s Economy spokesperson, Steve Aiken MLA, said;

“In terms of the EU component of the funding, the Chancellor Philip Hammond, recently indicated that all competitive funds secured before the UK leaves the European Union, will be guaranteed by the UK Government.

“The Ulster Unionist Party’s document - ‘A vison for Northern Ireland outside the EU’ - contained ten key asks, including a call for Infrastructure spending to be trebled. Given how vital it is to the economic well-being of Northern Ireland, the Executive needs to ensure in its Brexit discussions with the UK Government, that Northern Ireland's infrastructure needs are met."

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