Troops must not be abandoned by Government in legacy investigations - Beattie

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Justice Spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA, has warned that the history of the Troubles must not be allowed to be re-written to deflect blame away from the terrorist groups that caused 90 per cent of Troubles related deaths, and focus unduly on State forces.   

Doug Beattie MC said:

“There has been a great deal of concern raised today by some media reports claiming that the PSNI’s Legacy Investigation Branch was poised to re-investigate all fatalities involving members of the Armed Forces.

“I welcome clarification from Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, Head of the PSNI’s Legacy and Justice Department, who said today that

There is no new single probe or bespoke inquiry into deaths attributed to the British Army. All Troubles related deaths will be reviewed by LIB using the Case Sequencing Model which does not prioritise military cases. This is not a new decision.”

“As a former soldier myself, with 34 years’ service, I am acutely aware of the pressure under which front-line troops operate and the extraordinary situations which they are sent into. That was as true of those who were sent into Northern Ireland under Operation Banner as it is of those who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.   

“We must never forget that 90 per cent of Troubles related deaths were at the hands of loyalist and republican terrorist groups. Only 10 per cent of deaths were due to the actions of State forces. The disproportionate focus on this 10 per cent is causing immense damage and is assisting those who are seeking to re-write history and portray the State and its agents as the villains of the piece.

“We have already seen the difference in approach with regard to the scandal of the ‘On The Run’ letters of comfort which were handed out to terrorist suspects, whilst at the same time soldiers are being questioned about events from well over 40 years ago.  

“The Ulster Unionist Party is very clear that the re-writing of history cannot be allowed to happen.”

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