What happened to the July plan to minimise RHI costs?

Ulster Unionist economy spokesperson Steve Aiken MLA has reminded the Minister for the Economy of his assertion 6 months ago that he was ‘actively considering options’ to mitigate the overspend identified in the NI Audit Office report on the renewable Heat Incentive scandal.

Steve Aiken MLA said:

“For all the current talk of preferred options, emergency legislation and plans to reduce the overspend to zero, it is worth reminding ourselves that none of this is new. On the 5 July 2016, the day the Northern Ireland Audit Office qualified the DETI accounts for 2015/16 because of the Renewable Heat Incentive overspend, Economy Minister Simon Hamilton issued a statement where he acknowledged the enormity of the situation.  He also promised that “we are already actively considering options as to how the costs of the scheme could be controlled in the future.  All options will be considered to determine whether future liabilities to the public purse can be minimised.”

“So the question is, 6 months later, what were the options that the Minister was actively considering at the time of the Audit Office Report, and what have become of these options?

“It is time to end this nonsense.  The Minister should publish all the options that have been under ‘active’ consideration by him, both then and now.  In addition, and remembering the recent United Airlines fiasco, the Minister should also publish the legal advice he has received on these options.

“We can add this promise of action to the assertions of Simon Hamilton’s erstwhile Executive colleague, Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir on 17 October at Question Time.  At that time, he was playing down the costs of the RHI scandal and promising “to work with the Economy Minister to make sure we sort out the issue as soon as possible.” That looks like a very hollow promise, given recent revelations about the complete lack of consultation between the Economy and Finance Ministers.”

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