President Trump should be made aware of potentially negative impact on Northern Ireland of policy decisions


  • Donald Trump has been democratically elected
  • We should engage with President Trump


Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt said: 

“Donald Trump has been democratically elected as President of the United States. Whether people like it or not, we must recognise his mandate as leader of the wealthiest nation in the world. We should engage on a continuing basis and seek to build on our historic links for the mutual benefit, both economic and cultural, of all our people. We will have our differences and where they occur we should not be afraid to raise them. On this occasion Mrs Foster and Mr McGuinness got something right in trying to get the leader of the wealthiest nation in the world to visit Northern Ireland. 

“As President Trump has a stated aim of repatriating jobs back to the United States, it is important he understands the potentially negative impact that would have on Northern Ireland.”

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