Clarity over Brexit is what our constituents and businesses deserve

  • Need to secure best deal possible for Northern Ireland
  • Direction from Stormont is missing

Danny Kinahan, Ulster Unionist MP for South Antrim, said:

“The Ulster Unionist Party welcomes the progress made by the UK Government on Brexit issues. After seeing the Article 50 legislation pass its first major hurdle, we now have greater clarity on the PM's intentions for the imminent negotiations with the EU.

“Clarity is what our constituents and businesses deserve in order to best plan for the future. Now that we know the Government's intentions, we will work tirelessly to hold them to their commitment to ensure a frictionless border, protect the rights of UK citizens in EU Member States and secure the best trade deal possible for Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

“While there will be a thirst for even greater detail from the PM, what is missing is any direction from Stormont. The DUP/Sinn Féin Executive collapsed without the identification of our policy options, our priorities and crucially whether our priorities complement or clash with the UK Government's. That makes change on 2nd March a must, otherwise we will miss any credible voice at the negotiating table.”

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