Ulster Unionist MLA Ross Hussey has welcomed moves to address the situation which arose earlier today whereby uniformed Police officers were withdrawn from Parliament Buildings at Stormont.
Mr Hussey said
“I understand that uniformed Police officers were withdrawn from Parliament Buildings Stormont earlier today following a direction on the re-location of accommodation within the building, without regard to the obligatory risk assessment procedures.
Having withdrawn the officers, I am glad to say that they have now been restored whilst the situation is resolved.
This was a serious matter because as a result of this action, the building had no Police cover for the first time since Michael Stone attempted to enter the building in November 2006.
Once I was aware of the situation I immediately contacted the Chief Constable’s office at Police HQ seeking clarification as to what exactly had happened. Having made enquiries myself, I am in no doubt that the uniformed officers were treated with a lack of respect and courtesy.
The situation is obviously the cause of some concern and questions need to be answered by the OFMDFM and the Assembly Authorities.”