HIU ban on RUC and PSNI personnel would not be acceptable - Beattie

Ulster Unionist Justice Spokesperson Doug Beattie MC MLA, has called on the DUP to join the Ulster Unionists in opposing the current proposals for the Historical Investigations Unit (HIU) due to its anticipated prohibition on employing any serving or former RUC or PSNI officers.

Doug Beattie MC said:

“There is no question that how we deal with the past is still a key issue that has to be resolved but no-one should be under any misapprehension that the current proposals for the Historical Investigations Unit (HIU) are the answer.

“I have raised my concerns about the legacy process, in particular the setting up of the Historical Investigations Unit (HIU) and its structure many times in the past.  Not only was I concerned that the HIU would be selective in what and who they investigate – this is borne out by their case load that will investigate every killing by the state but not every killing of state forces – but I was also concerned that the 250 investigators would become an international police force working in parallel to the PSNI, with a HIU Director who is accountable to no one. 

“However it now transpires that while the HIU will be able to second police officers from throughout Great Britain (GB) and employ former police officers from around the world including former Garda officers, potentially no serving or former RUC or PSNI officers will be allowed to serve on the HIU. I find this absolutely unacceptable, unbalanced and it does nothing to inspire confidence in our police and justice system.

“This decision promotes the idea that all our present and former police officers were either corrupt or incapable of conducting independent investigations. This is an absolute fallacy and an insult to some of the bravest and finest police officers ever to serve on any force.

“I know the Department of Justice are looking at recent Judicial Reviews and it is their belief that these decisions indicate that any investigation carried out by former RUC/PSNI or indeed serving PSNI officers would be subject to a challenge. To try to avoid this they are going down the route of preventing former or present police officers from serving in HIU. If one is being consistent, given the allegations of collusion between rogue Garda elements and the IRA, it does not make sense to exclude RUC/PSNI officers and permit those with Garda connections to join the HIU. I am aware that the PSNI Chief Constable is challenging this ruling and I sincerely hope he is successful in that challenge.

“Another fact that many people may be unaware of is that the HIU is supposed to be independent from the PSNI with its own Director and is likely to be situated in GB and not in Northern Ireland.

“It is clear to the Ulster Unionist Party that the HIU is becoming a one sided, unbalanced legacy project that has been adopted and promoted by DUP with staggering incompetence and potentially disastrous results. They should now stand back from the HIU, take a long look at what it has become, and join the Ulster Unionist Party in opposing it in its present form, before it is too late.”   

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