#UUP17 Conference Speech by Kellie Cowan from Queen`s University Young Unionists

Kellie Cowan

Queen’s University Belfast Young Unionists

Speech at the Ulster Unionist Party Conference




My name is Kellie Cowan and I have been active in the Ulster Unionist Party for over 2 years. My journey in this party started through the Queen’s University Branch and my first major experience of the party was our party conference dinner 2 years ago.

Since then I have campaigned for dozens of candidates across three elections and I am delighted to see many of the new candidates I campaigned for sitting as MLAs in the front row today.

Today I want to talk to you about my experience in the Young Unionists and to encourage you all to sign up your sons, daughters, grandchildren and family friends to our organisation.

The Young Unionists is first and foremost a campaigning organisation. We assist any candidate with an Ulster Unionist logo beside their name with a particular emphasis on young candidates and target seats. We can deliver a team of enthusiastic young activists which makes a tangible difference to campaigns in tight seats.

But we also have a lot of fun. During my time in the Young Unionists I’ve enjoyed our social events including our annual Christmas dinner, tree top obstacle courses, BBQs, paintballing and charitable fundraisers.

I’ve also had the chance to travel and learn from other parties across Europe. I’ve attended conferences in Berlin and Warsaw and received training from some of the leading political organisations across the globe.

I have enjoyed every second of my involvement and sincerely believe that we offer young people a unique opportunity to grow and develop whilst working hard to advance this party and see Ulster Unionist candidates elected. I would like you to spread the word of what we can offer to your associations and any young people who you can encourage to join. I’ve enjoyed it and I’m sure they will too. Thank you.


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