UK Government needs to stand up for the rights of the sick and vulnerable in the face of Sinn Fein intransigence – Empey

Ulster Unionist Party Chairman, Lord Empey, has called on the Government to stand up for the rights of the sick and the vulnerable as Northern Ireland is held to ransom by Sinn Fein intransigence.

Lord Empey said:

“In January of this year, the outgoing Finance Minister, Sinn Fein’s Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, did a runner instead of bringing a Budget to the Assembly when it was still there. He didn`t produce a Budget because he did not want to have to take the tough decisions that would accompany it.

“It demonstrates that Sinn Fein will not make difficult decisions unless they are put under pressure. The Government and the DUP need to learn that lesson. Giving in to Sinn Fein demands which have been dressed up as rights, will not produce stable government.

“I understand perfectly well the issue of culture. We spent two years talking with nationalist politicians about this and a series of protections for cultural identity were built into the Belfast Agreement. All the commitments to the Irish Language in the Belfast Agreement have been met. Sinn Fein`s commitment to the Irish Language is paper thin - when they had an opportunity during the talks to ask for an Irish Language Act they failed to do so. If it was so important to them, why did they fail to raise it?

“Sinn Fein should not now be gifted an Irish Language Act, stand-alone or otherwise, which will be used as a vehicle to expand their demands and change the face of Northern Ireland.

“The Government needs to make absolutely clear that if the DUP/Sinn Fein talks cannot get an Assembly or Executive up and running again, then they will actively pursue other means of government, whether that be Voluntary Coalition, a Corporate Assembly or some form of shadow body. Sinn Fein cannot and must not be allowed to hold the whole country to ransom.

“Be in no doubt, if Sinn Fein are content to let over a quarter of a million people come to harm on health waiting lists and over 64,000 people wait over a year to see a consultant, what else will they be prepared to do? These are life and death decisions. Who is speaking for these people? What rights do they have? Sinn Fein have demonstrated utter ruthlessness in pursuit of their demands. It is the responsibility of our sovereign Government at Westminster to stand up for the rights of the sick and the vulnerable.

“And while Sinn Fein may spend time this weekend at their party conference eulogising former IRA Godfathers, maybe they`ll spend some time thinking about the ultimate right - the right to life - whether that be people murdered by the IRA during the Troubles or people who will die on health waiting lists because of Sinn Fein intransigence.”

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