EU cannot ride roughshod over our right to equal UK citizenship – Robin Swann

Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Robin Swann MLA, has warned the EU against riding roughshod over the people of Northern Ireland’s right to equal UK citizenship.

Robin Swann MLA said:

“We are dealing with a Dublin government which is feeling emboldened as they stand in the warm glow of European wide publicity. However, I send this friendly warning to the Taoiseach – you are being played by Barnier and Verhofstadt and when the money`s right, you`ll be dropped like a stone. They should reflect on how the European Union has ridden roughshod over them in the past.

“It is best for all if we can agree a sensible deal that works for everyone on these islands.  But the EU simply cannot ride roughshod over our rights to remain as full and equal citizens of the United Kingdom.

“We also need to put this myth to bed being peddled by the Dublin Government and others that they are standing up for the Belfast Agreement by taking the position that they do. They are not and instead they stand in direct opposition to the Belfast Agreement and the principle of consent. It`s time to cut the rhetoric and start talking. If we don`t get a good deal, the Republic of Ireland and its farmers have the most to lose.”  

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