Unionists need to engage on a wide front to counter Dublin propaganda over Brexit – Nicholson

Following the Ulster Unionist Party meeting with the EU`s Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier, and Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament`s Brexit Co-ordinator, Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson has stated that Unionists need to engage on a wide front to counter the Dublin Government`s propaganda over Brexit and the Belfast Agreement.

Mr Nicholson said:

“This week my Party Leader and I met with Michel Barnier the EU's Chief Negotiator with the UK and Guy Verhofstadt MEP, the European Parliament's Brexit Co-ordinator. We had meaningful engagement with both and took the opportunity to address some myths being stoked up by others about the Belfast Agreement and the views of Unionists in Northern Ireland.

“We have become increasingly concerned by the rhetoric and ill-tempered language being used and made clear to both men that if all stakeholders are serious about achieving a meaningful, comprehensive agreement on Brexit, then they need to tone down some of the language. And that applies to everyone.  Words and the way they are delivered are important in Northern Ireland. We all know too well the consequences of ill-tempered language in our own society and the damage it can do whether that was during the Troubles or more recently. We asked that the EU reflect on that.

“What was also very clear is that some are deliberately misrepresenting the Belfast Agreement and they're getting away with it. The Irish Government are using their foreign affairs machine to the maximum and it is up to us as Unionists, working in conjunction with our own government, to counter Dublin`s propaganda. The Irish Government claim to defend the Belfast Agreement yet seem to ignore the Principle of Consent as they dish out the rhetoric and manoeuvre their way around the corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg. The most important Union to Unionists, whether they voted to remain or leave, is the United Kingdom and we should not allow the Irish Government or its allies to peddle myths and misinformation to others.

“Our own Government is representing us in the Brexit negotiations but there is no-one better placed than ourselves to set out the context of our unique situation to the EU. Unionists need to engage on a wide front. We cannot continue to let the Irish Government have a free run in defining what the Belfast Agreement actually means. It may feel good for some to stand and shout names and fire caustic comments at others, but the only way to bring about better understanding is to engage directly with those with whom we disagree.

“As the party that negotiated the Principle of Consent into the Belfast Agreement which cements Northern Ireland's position within the United Kingdom, whilst others shouted traitor and lundy at us, we will continue to engage and if that means more meetings with EU officials to drive the point home, then we will doggedly pursue this. If a sensible deal cannot be reached which also respects the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom it will be bad for everyone. I hope that Taoiseach Leo Varadkar understands that as well because it will be his own country and particularly its agricultural sector which will suffer disproportionately if a sensible agreement isn't reached.”

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