Justice must be seen to be balanced and fair – Beattie

Upper Bann Ulster Unionist MLA Doug Beattie MC, has called for justice to be applied equally and fairly to all.

Speaking following the news that a former soldier is to be charged with manslaughter by gross negligence, in connection with the shooting of Aidan McAnespie at an Army checkpoint in 1988, Doug Beattie MC MLA said:

“Evidence must be followed in all legacy cases – whether they involve soldiers, police, civilians, terrorists or politicians.

“This has been my clear stance from the very beginning but I am now becoming genuinely concerned that this seems only to apply to a small number of individuals and selective cases. This is a concern that is being perpetuated by the use of the OTR letters to delay and deny justice; the extensive use of Royal Prerogatives of Mercy – mainly for republican terrorists; and the absence of an agreed legal definition of the term ‘collusion’ leaving it open to abuse.

“A Statute of Limitations (SoL) is not the answer to this issue. It will do nothing to hold those responsible for the majority of terrorist incidents to account. What is needed is balance and it is time the government took action to ensure there is that balance.

“There needs to be a clear statement from the Government that the OTR letters have no jurisdiction nationally or internationally and extradition proceedings need to begin to bring John Downey to account for the Hyde Park Bombings. Action should also be initiated against those who have had charges dropped due to the existence of OTR letters, such as Gerry McMonagle who had the decision to prosecute him rescinded by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).

“The Government also needs to release the list of all those who have received pardons during the Troubles and in doing so they need to make a clear commitment that any soldier found guilty of any killing that is proved not to be pre-meditated, should be considered for a pardon. 

“The Government can do more. It can take active steps to stop those who use information provided by the government to begin a cottage industry in looking for any reason to bring soldiers to court knowing the taxpayer will pick up the bill and it should also release information that links politicians to terrorism and begin investigating their actions during the Troubles and since the Belfast Agreement, given the office they hold.

“It is time that justice was delivered for everyone and that justice must be seen to be balanced and fair.  I have no issue in the DPP making decisions to prosecute former solders if that’s where the evidence leads, just as long as exactly the same process applies equally to everyone, including those who were involved in terrorism.”

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