Kennedy calls on Sinn Fein to reject paramilitaries, past and present

Danny Kennedy, the Ulster Unionist Party`s European Election candidate, has stated that it is Sinn Fein who have a continuing problem with paramilitarism.

Danny Kennedy said:

“Martina Anderson displays an unbelievable lack of self-awareness. Her comments criticising the Ulster Unionist Party have no standing in reality. If Martina Anderson and Sinn Fein were in any way genuine they would be well aware that my party leader Robin Swann issued a clear and unequivocal statement regarding paramilitarism on Monday night. This was well before Sinn Fein issued a badly researched press release on Tuesday.

“It`s perverse that Martina Anderson feels that she is in any position to lecture the Ulster Unionist Party about democratic values. She is an unrepentant convicted bomber. As a border unionist I know only too well of the pain of the awful carnage caused by her former IRA so-called volunteers. We will not take lectures from Ms Anderson or her party on this issue.

“I have no problem distancing myself from paramilitary groups. It is Sinn Fein who are incapable of distancing themselves from the murderous deeds of the IRA. These are the people who still persist in naming a children`s playpark after terrorists. Sinn Fein should reject paramilitaries, past and present.”

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