Ulster Unionist Leader and North Antrim MLA, Robin Swann, has welcomed the announcement of a deal in principle between the Wright Family and Jo Bamford.
Robin Swann MLA said:
“The announcement of a deal being reached in principle between Jo Bamford and the Wright family is welcome news. The workers, including members of my own family, are relieved after such a tortuous process where hopes were raised and dashed before the announcement of today`s deal. It has been a roller-coaster of emotions for the workers and their families. This announcement will come as a welcome relief for many and I`m glad that common sense has prevailed.
“The workers combining with Union support have had a huge influence on the final outcome and should be commended for the way in which they have conducted themselves throughout this process.
“The next few days will see the shape of the future of Wrightbus and its workforce. It will obviously take a bit of time to get the deal finalised and the operation up and running again, but the quicker that the workers are able to get through the Wrightbus gates and get back to work, the better.”