Beattie questions DUP silence on latest pleas for clarity on HIU

Ulster Unionist Party Justice spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA, has challenged the DUP to clarify its stance on the Historical Investigations Unit following the publication of a letter from a range of victims` groups and retired police associations in the Belfast News Letter.

Doug Beattie MC MLA said:

“Following on from the open letter from a wide variety of victims’ groups and a variety of retired police associations I am staggered that the DUP have simply ignored the pleas. Why is this?

“Is it because they are the architects of the Historical Investigations Unit (HIU) that the letter attacks? Is it because when it goes to Westminster they will vote in favour of it or is it this sentence that is creating embarrassment in the DUP ranks “We now call upon all parties to repudiate the concept of any quasi-judicial definition of ‘collusion’?”

“Why would that embarrass the DUP? Well simply because in their ‘Our Plan’ document, page 26, published on 19th November 2019 they called for ‘Defining collusion in legislation.’

“Combine this with their very clear support for a ‘new investigatory team with full police powers’ published in their ‘Our Plan’ document and their response to the legacy consultation it is clear they are HIU champions.

“They are not alone of course. Sinn Fein are frothing at the mouth trying to get the HIU implemented while trying to deny justice to victims of the IRA. The Alliance Party also supports the HIU as does the SDLP meaning that these parties, if returned to Westminster along with the DUP, will give the impression the HIU is an acceptable answer to our legacy problems and the HIU will be forced through.

“Only the Ulster Unionist Party have seen the inherent dangers of the HIU. We have continually pointed out how it will not help victims and survivors but how it will undermine our justice system and our police. It is a perpetrators’ dream solution to our past and we must not allow this to be the case.”


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