Beattie disappointed at Assembly Commission decision not to illuminate Stormont to mark Victims’ Day

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Justice Spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA, has expressed his disappointment at the decision of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission not to illuminate Parliament Buildings on Friday, to mark the International Day of Victims.

Doug Beattie MC MLA said:

“I am extremely disappointed that the Assembly Commission has not agreed to have Parliament Buildings lit up on Friday. Given the history of Northern Ireland, and the number of people affected by terrorism during the Troubles, I believe it would be entirely appropriate for the Stormont to be illuminated to mark the International Day of Victims.

“I understand the request to have Parliament Buildings lit up was deemed to be contrary to the Commission’s rules. I have to say that rules can be changed, and quite clearly these rules need to be changed.

“There is often a lot of talk in Stormont about the need for a victim centred approach. Quite clearly for some people and parties that is just words. Our victims deserve better.”

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