Aiken condemns vile messages directed at Health Minister Swann and his family

Ulster Unionist Leader, Steve Aiken MLA, has condemned the vile messages directed at Health Minister, Robin Swann MLA.

Mr Aiken said:

“I am absolutely disgusted that anyone would direct threatening, sectarian messages against the Health Minister Robin Swann and his family. It is utterly deplorable and even more so when the country and all our people are in the midst of a global pandemic.

“I am glad to hear all political leaders coming out and condemning these dreadful actions and I welcome the fact that the police have made an arrest. We cannot allow this type of thing to happen when all of our people are facing the biggest health emergency in over one hundred years. Those responsible should face swift prosecution before the courts.

“All politicians need to be mindful of their words and actions because it is in the context of some personalised attacks on the Health Minister, questioning his motives and integrity that threats like these are made. We should be uniting together to help in the fightback against Coronavirus. We cannot afford to be distracted by anything else.

“Regrettably, there will be dark days ahead, but I know that Robin and the staff in the Department of Health and the wider NHS are doing everything in their power to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be for the inevitable surge. Every member of staff in the NHS and wider Health and Social Care sector deserve every bit of support and protection that we can give them.

“The focus must be on flattening the curve , for people to wash their hands, adhere to social distancing and support our NHS by staying at home.”

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