Dobson Hosts Institute of Food Science & Technology Seminar at Stormont

Upper Bann MLA Jo-Anne Dobson has hosted an Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) seminar at Stormont which has enabled the organisation to share its extensive expertise with MLA’s. 

Mrs Dobson, a member of the Assembly Agriculture and Rural Development Committee and Ulster Unionist Party Agriculture Spokesperson sponsored the IFST seminar which showcased the wealth of agri-food scientific talent which exists in Northern Ireland.

Speaking afterwards she said “Research and Development innovation is absolutely crucial to the future of the agri-food industry, we must harness the professionalism of IFST members and the research base in the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), the Universities and Colleges to realise their potential for the Northern Ireland economy as a whole.”

During her speech the Ulster Unionist MLA highlighted the important contribution which the agri-food industry makes to our local economy, she said “in Northern Ireland we have almost twenty five thousand farms which have a gross output of £1.5 billion and employ some forty seven thousand people. 

“A little known fact is that the food processing industry is the largest manufacturing sector in Northern Ireland, worth some £3.7 billion with almost 20,000 employees, together with a substantial supply chain including distribution and retail.

“IFST is the leading independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and the only professional body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology. It has a strong and active membership in Northern Ireland, who seek to offer their collective expertise to elected members who will, I am sure, value it as independent, evidence based and impartial, reflecting the professional  ethos of IFST.”

Mrs Dobson then handed over to Maureen Edmondson, Chair of IFST in NI who called for Assembly to give support for the scientists and science base in Northern Ireland to enhance the integrity and reputation of the food supply, promote innovation and boost the economy.

“In her closing remarks Mrs Dobson thanked all the speakers who contributed to such a successful seminar and said that she hoped IFST would continue to lobby elected representatives at Stormont. 

“From what we have heard here today it is even clearer that Research and Development innovation is absolutely crucial to the future of the agri-food industry. If we are to realise their potential for the wider economy, we must harness the professionalism of IFST members and the research base in AFBI and the Universities.”

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