Ulster Unionists welcome reversal of Council proposal to oppose extradition of Omagh bomber Liam Campbell

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Group Leader on Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, Councillor Victor Warrington, has welcomed last night’s decision by the Council to support an Ulster Unionist motion calling on the Republic of Ireland to extradite Liam Campbell to Lithuania to face terrorist charges.   

Councillor Victor Warrington said:

“Last night the Council went some way to addressing the hurt caused by support for a previous proposal which shamefully objected to the extradition of Liam Campbell to Lithuania.

“That decision caused a great deal of hurt for the families of the victims of the Omagh bombing, gave succour to those still wedded to violent republicanism, and was met with incredulity throughout Northern Ireland and much farther afield as a result.

“Last night the Ulster Unionist Party tabled a motion which expressed solidarity with the victims of the Omagh bombing, noted the role played by Liam Campbell in that atrocity and called on the Taoiseach to speedily resolve the matter of his requested extradition to Lithuania.

“Had we not succeeded in reversing the previous decision it would have been a travesty and an insult to the families bereaved, the physically injured, and those left mentally scarred.

“I am therefore relieved and pleased that our motion passed by 20 votes to 2, albeit with a large number of abstentions, mainly by Sinn Fein. It is my fervent hope that this decision sets the tone for the future, and sends a message to the Omagh families that they have not been forgotten, and that their right to be heard and treated with respect will always take priority.”

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