Ulster Unionists table Assembly motion to extend support for businesses in Northern Ireland – John Stewart MLA

Ulster Unionist Economy spokesperson, John Stewart MLA, has raised concerns about the potentially grim consequences for hundreds of companies and thousands of workers unless further financial support is provided.

Mr Stewart said:

“The challenges facing business in Northern Ireland are unprecedented. They cover all sectors including manufacturing, hospitality and construction and as was revealed in the Belfast Newsletter, companies in Northern Ireland have been more reliant on the furlough scheme than other regions of the United Kingdom. This is also reflected in the number of self-employed accessing support through government subsidies.

“This should make us all more alert to the potentially grim consequences for hundreds of companies and thousands of workers unless we plan ahead to put mitigations in place to support them as the furlough scheme begins to taper off.

“We don`t underestimate the scale of the problem facing Ministers as they juggle priorities as we still battle the impact of Coronavirus, but that should not stop us seeking to explore all opportunities to save jobs and ensure that our young people aren`t left behind. We must also consider those who haven`t been able to access financial support such as ‘Excluded NI’ who continue to highlight the dire straits in which they find themselves. The Economy Minister has had ample time to consider the choices ahead and there needs to be a greater sense of urgency given the dire predictions being made about job prospects in the coming months. The rest of the United Kingdom is already implementing plans for the months ahead so there`s no excuse for delay.

“Therefore my colleagues and I have tabled a motion at the Assembly asking the Economy Minister to put a scheme in place which is equivalent to Kickstart launched by the UK Government for England Scotland and Wales, and also detail further support plans for businesses, the self-employed and those who have so far been excluded from financial support as the furlough scheme tapers off.”


‘That this Assembly notes the opening of the UK Government`s Kickstart Scheme on 2 September 2020 to companies in England, Scotland and Wales to support 16-24 year-olds who are claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long term unemployment; recognises the plight of companies and individuals who have not been able to avail of any government support through the course of the Covid-19 pandemic; further recognises the greater level of reliance on the furlough scheme by companies across all sectors in Northern Ireland than in other regions of the United Kingdom, calls on the Economy Minister to put an equivalent scheme in place for 16-24 year-olds in Northern Ireland, and further calls on the Economy Minister to detail what plans will be in place to support companies and individuals who have not been able to access government financial support measures and mitigate the impact of the ending of the furlough scheme.’

John Stewart MLA

Dr Steve Aiken OBE MLA

Andy Allen MLA

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