Responding to the news that a journalist working for the Belfast Telegraph and Sunday Life has been threatened by terrorists from the South East Antrim UDA, Ulster Unionist Justice spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA, said:
“Yet again those that refer to themselves as the South East Antrim UDA think they can threaten and intimidate in order to keep the spotlight off them and their criminal activities.
“This time and not for the first time they have issued a threat against a Belfast Telegraph journalist who was just doing their job. Who do they think they are and what status do these thugs think they have? They are a stain on our society and a burden on law abiding citizens who want to get on with their lives in difficult times.
“I, as an elected representative, will not stop highlighting their organised crime activities, their drug dealing, extortion, intimidation and counterfeit goods networks. I will speak up against them every chance I get.
“We as a society have a choice. We either stand up to the bullies or we allow ourselves to be bullied. To rid these self-interested, money grabbing criminals from our society we must stand together and I stand with the Belfast Telegraph journalist who has been threatened.”