The Ulster Unionist Party’s East Belfast MLA, Andy Allen MBE, has welcomed a Marie Curie report highlighting the impact of fuel poverty on terminally ill people and its recommendations which would make a very real difference to those affected.
Andy Allen MLA said:
“Friday 27 November is Fuel Poverty Awareness Day and is therefore a very appropriate time for Marie Curie to publish a new report on how fuel poverty affects people with terminal illnesses.
“The report examines some of the drivers of fuel poverty among terminally ill people and very powerfully makes the case that dying people may experience a vicious cycle of fuel poverty; their deteriorating health means they have to spend a lot more to heat their homes sufficiently, which some may struggle to afford due to depleted incomes and the other significant costs associated with their illness, but the consequences of living in a cold home can be severe – leading to new infections, making existing symptoms flare up or become worse, affecting their mental wellbeing and, in the worst cases, even hastening their death.
“I believe that this report should be received very sympathetically by decision makers and I would like to add my and the Ulster Unionist Party’s support to the recommendations Marie Curie have put forward, which focus, among other things, on access to financial support and issues with the likes of the 5-week wait for Universal Credit.
“These measures would make a real difference to the lives of people who already have to contend with more than enough in their daily lives, and I believe they should be treated with understanding and compassion.”