Wilson condemns thug responsible for attack on lorry driver

Ulster Unionist Councillor Andrew Wilson, who is the Deputy Mayor of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, has condemned the thug responsible for throwing a brown bin full of rocks on to the A8 dual carriageway on Friday night causing serious facial injuries to the driver of a lorry.

The Deputy Mayor said:

“Firstly, my thoughts are with the driver of the lorry and I hope he can make a full recovery. This is a terrible ordeal which he has had to deal with.

“I am disgusted at the mentality of the criminal responsible for dumping a bin full of rocks on to a busy dual carriageway. It`s disgraceful. Who in their right mind would do something like this? Somebody in our community knows who did it and they need to give the information to the police.

“In my opinion, this is attempted murder and the thug responsible needs caught and put behind bars before they do something like this again. When they are caught, the sentence should reflect the brutality of the crime.”

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