McCallister demands decisive action to fill 95 consultants posts

Ulster Unionist MLA John McCallister has demanded decisive action to fill the 95 consultants posts which are currently vacant in Northern Ireland hospitals.

The South Down representative, who is also the Party’s Health spokesperson, said:

“It is public knowledge that there are major problems with regard to Health Trusts failing to fill shifts for nursing staff, and most people were aware that similar difficulties had arisen with regard to consultants, but to see the figures broken down makes stark reading indeed for all of us who care about our health service.

I am aware that there are suggestions this is due to an attempt by the Trusts to cut costs and if this is true, it would be unforgiveable.

As it stands there are 95 consultant vacancies Province wide, affecting virtually every hospital. The Royal is short of 20 posts, Craigavon 12, the Ulster 10, Altnagelvin 10, Daisy Hill seven and Enniskillen three.

There has been a great deal of recent publicity regarding the situation at Accident & Emergency departments at both the Royal Victoria and Antrim Area hospitals.

If the Royal is short of 20 consultants and Antrim area short of six – including three in A&E – it is little wonder that they are under severe pressure.

I recognise there are no quick fixes when it comes to recruiting consultants, because they require years of training, but it is absolutely essential that we in Northern Ireland look at every option to fill the 95 consultants posts which are currently vacant.”

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