Beattie welcomes resolution to restrictions on military movement

Having received confirmation that the issue of military movement restrictions has now been rectified, Doug Beattie MC MLA said: 

“Having raised the issue of military movement restrictions with the Ministry of Defence on the 18 January and the Northern Ireland Office on 28 January I am pleased to say that the issue has now been rectified.

 “It is important that where issues surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol are identified there must be engagement and solutions need to be found.  I appreciate both the NIO and the MOD taking this issue seriously and, having viewed the processes in place, have taken steps to stop our military having to complete customs forms in order to move from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. 

“This is an example of how the Ulster Unionist Party are in solution mode and how constitutional politics work. We will continue to argue against the imposition of an Irish Sea Border in the form of the Northern Ireland Protocol and find positive solutions to remove this barrier.”

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